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Final documents delivered for the LIFE IP CA 2016 BE-REEL!
Deliveries for the LIFE IP CA 2016 BE-REEL!
The BE REEL! (Belgium Renovates for Energy Efficient Living) project was a long-term initiative supported by the EU LIFE programme. It commenced in January 2018 and concluded in December 2024. The project was a collaboration between the Flemish and Walloon governments, various cities, and knowledge centres. Its primary goal was to support the 2050 renovation objectives, with a specific focus on accelerating the renovation rate of the residential housing stock.
BE REEL! and its partners developed, tested, evaluated, refined, and demonstrated a series of structural measures to increase the renovation rate. In collaboration with cities such as Ghent, Antwerp, Mechelen, and La Louvière, various demonstration projects were established. These projects included collective renovations, insulation initiatives, support for vulnerable families, and investments in energy production. In Ghent, for example, collective renovation projects were carried out to improve the energy efficiency of homes through group purchases and neighbourhood-focused campaigns.
Patrick Jones - Course author