Innovative business models

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BE REEL! is conducting a number of pilots to gather best practices in several market segments (apartments, private rental market, key on the door projects, one-stop shops). The results of these pilots will be used to develop innovative business models that can contribute to the renovation wave in Belgium and the EU. 

Which market segments?

One-stop shops

One-stop shops in Belgium and other countries will be analyzed to ensure the most innovative approaches are selected for replication. Specifically in Flanders, the focus will lie on advice given by the provincial advice centers, several social rental offices, BE REEL! partner cities, and local advisory services in Flanders called energy houses. In Wallonia, the focus will be on the 16 Guichets Energie. In Brussels, the focus will be on Homegrade and Reseau Habitat. 

Apartment blocks

Apartments are an important market segment in Belgium, especially in its cities such as Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent. The best practices in this segment will be vital to properly renovate the Belgian building stock. 

Key on the door projects

The focus of this action will be to gather and test best practices in specific building projects that are outspokenly innovative and sustainable. 

Private rental market

The private rental market in Belgium is a systematically-underserved segment. Best practices here should be focused on the most vulnerable families and individuals.  


The best practices will be developed in three steps. 

#1 Gather promising practices

During the course of this action, promising practices will be identified. These practices will be analyzed and a selection will be made. 

#2 Field-test promising practices

The effectiveness of the identified promising practices will be tested and validated at the hand of several methods such as surveys, interviews, etc. The data gathered here will serve to either validate or reject a promising practice. After this task, we will know which practices are effective and should be replicated if possible.  

#3 Disseminate best practices

The selected and effective best practices will then be gathered in a report and communicated to the relevant actors for potential replication. These results will also be disseminated to the broader public through webinars, workshops, publications, etc.

For more information

Complementary projects

There are also several projects and initiatives that are not covered by BE REEL! but are complementary to these innovative business models. 

Reform of grants for energy saving investments in Wallonia

This action aims at improving the existing financing measures in Wallonia and creating new ones to support a growing renovation rate. These measures are a vital part of the Walloon long-term renovation strategy and are directly linked to the BE REEL! project goal of increasing the renovation rate in Belgium.

Growth of energy efficiency premiums issued by the Flemish grid operator

The goal of this action is to increase the uptake of premiums for energy saving measures. These premiums are issued by Fluvius, the Flemish grid operator. The premiums that Fluvius offers are being integrated into the My Renovation Premium in the second half of 2022. This is a centralised premium system that will make it considerably easier for citizens to apply for premiums.

Demonstration projects of exemplary energy districts under the coordination of the “Flemish Building Master” 2018 – 2023

The Flemish Building Master launched a call in 2017 for reconversion projects of city centres with special attention for a collective approach and taking various climate and energy transition aspects into account. Five projects would receive free support of a project advisor to guide the reconstruction process. This project started in 2020. BE REEL! has gathered experience on collective renovation approaches, was involved in the preparation of the call, and will follow-up on the progress.

Growth of energy efficiency loans in Flanders

The goal of this action is to increase the uptake of energy efficiency loans in Flanders. It is expected that these loans will contribute largely to the activity growth in the construction sector. There are specific zero-interest loans for vulnerable people. In 2021, this loan system was broadened. These loans are directly in line with what BE REEL! is striving to do.