Upscaling of Sustainable Housing Renovation
Recordings of the conferences
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the recordings of the conference.
the recordings of the conference.
A Policy Challenge in the Approach to Home Renovation in Belgium
Conference series on scaling up sustainable renovations: A policy challenge in addressing sustainable home renovations. In the fall of 2024, three conferences will be organized on scaling up sustainable renovations. These will take place in Brussels, at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR). Below you will find more information about the conferences.
- Wed, 25 Sep. 2024, 09:00
Conference on policy challenges in addressing sustainable home renovations
- Wednesday, 30/10/2024
Conference on collective challenges with a focus on the apartment sector
- Wednesday, 27/11/2024
Conference on local renovation policy and sustainability
After registration, you will gain access to the recordings (click on the video icon below) and the related slides (in the video section above).
Photos from the conference on September 25, 2024.
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