new policy instruments

Development and implementation of the Quickscan tool     

The Quickscan is a user-friendly tool that allows Walloon homeowners to quickly assess their home’s potential energy savings and housing quality without the involvement of a professional. The Quickscan tool has been developed by TLPE, one of BE REEL!’s partners.

Co-creative development

The Quickscan was developed through a co-creative process with several stakeholders such as citizens and a dedicated IT partner. The content, look and feel of the interface, target group, etc. were all discussed in workshops and focus groups.

Focus on low-income households

The Quickscan was developed for all Walloon homeowners, but special attention was reserved to ensure the tool could be used by low-income households. After all, they have the highest need for such a simple yet effective visualization tool.

Implementation and follow-up

The Walloon region has implemented the Quickscan and it is currently testing its impact in several Walloon municipalities. The feedback will be gathered and used to improve the tool further in the near future.


This tool is useful for many stakeholders. It can increase visibility of the issue of energy efficiency. The Walloon region has launched a broader communication campaign called Walloreno and the Quickscan is one of the campaign’s main focuses.

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