Learning Networks
Interregional learning network
Set up meetings
To enable the exchange of information, many diverse meetings will be organized between a varied group of stakeholders representing all aspects of the renovation sector. The meetings will create an (pro)active atmosphere which will further accelerate the cooperation and improve the strength of the renovation sector in Belgium.
Create inventory of best practices
The development of the learning network will be continually monitored to gather and distillate the best practices. This selection will be recommended to the relevant actors.
Replicate best practices
A twinning approach has been set up linking the knowledge and experience of cities and municipalities together and increasing the likelihood of renovations.
International learning network
Organise networking events
One of the big tasks of the international learning network is to organize networking events between EU projects and Belgian projects. These events can be face to face but can also take place online.
Promote BE REEL!
The progress of BE REEL! will be presented at international events to stimulate further cooperation and to spread our experience and expertise.
Create inventory of best practices
Replicate best practices
By organizing and attending international events, a series of ideas and projects will be retained to develop in Belgium.